Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Next to LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses), PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is among the most common laser eye surgeries out there. Both of these procedures help to correct vision complications in individuals experiencing vision problems.

PRK is a procedure that was originally intended for patients with myopia or nearsightedness, however, due to advancements in technology, it can help treat astigmatism and farsightedness as well. Work with the team at Manhattan LASIK Center to ensure you get the right recommendation from a qualified ophthalmologist for the correct laser eye surgery for you.

Getting the most suitable laser eye surgery is important and should be based on your unique, individual needs. This means that while PRK might be good for you, it may not be as suitable for someone else. Let’s take a closer look into who is suitable for PRK:

Qualifications for PRK

To qualify for PRK, here are a few factors to consider:

  • Age – You must be at least 18 years of age to undergo this procedure. This is to ensure that your eye is properly developed and mature.
  • Condition of your cornea – Your eye doctor in Manhattan, NY will check and ensure that your external eye (cornea) has no abnormalities. These can render the PRK procedure unsuccessful. In particular, you should not have keratoconus. This is a disease that makes your cornea take a cone shape due to the weakening ocular fibers. Similarly, it is not advisable to reshape a cornea that is unstable.
  • Condition of your vision – To qualify for PRK, your vision must be stable for a minimum of 12 months before the surgery. PRK will not be effective if your eyesight is shifting. Also, the surgery may have to be redone after your eyesight becomes stable.
  • Pre-existing health issues – It is not a good idea to have this surgery if you have underlying conditions that could interfere with PRK. Any immunodeficiency or autoimmune disease can hinder proper healing. Diabetes or arthritis can also interfere with PRK, giving bad results.
  • Pregnancy – If you wish to have PRK laser eye surgery, you should not be pregnant or nursing. This is because hormones produced during pregnancy cause your eye to experience tissue fluctuations. This will cause a change in the refractive error.
  • Allergies – You must have no allergies to anesthesia. This is because your LASIK surgeon in Manhattan, NY will need to use it to numb your eyes before beginning the procedure. Get advice from your LASIK surgeon on which is the best solution for you if you have allergies.
  • Medication – You should not be using medication such as Cordarone, Accutane, Imitrex, or other steroids. This is because they can interfere with the surgery and the healing process. If you use these substances, discuss your options with your doctor.

Why Should You Choose PKR?

LASIK involves a corneal flap creation, which in some rare cases can dislocate. Since there is no flap creation involved with PRK, such occurrences are not possible. This makes PRK ideal for people in highly physical professions and contact sports.

PKR also significantly reduces the chances of getting an infection compared to LASIK. Therefore, a patient will likely not develop dry eyes, which can occur when a procedure disrupts the patient’s eye’s irrigation.

PKR can be more affordable compared to the other laser eye corrective methods. This makes it a  popular choice among laser vision correction candidates.

One of the main reasons PRK is so popular is its ability to treat patients with thin corneas. With no flap creation, PRK is able to preserve more corneal tissue compared to LASIK, and therefore, it is the best laser vision correction option for people experiencing vision problems with thin corneas. It is even suitable for people with eye problems that LASIK and SMILE may not be suitable for. This surgery can correct all types of refractive vision errors, including far-sightedness, short-sightedness, and astigmatism.

To speak to a laser eye surgery expert in Manhattan, NY, call Manhattan LASIK Center at (212) 759-9617and schedule your  Complimentary Virtual Consultation