Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Patients who are considering Lasik eye surgery should always consult a trusted, local surgeon with a strong reputation for being honest and experienced. This surgeon should have the latest equipment and provide a variety of procedures. It is important for patients to speak with a professional about the pros and cons of the various options. Some of the most important questions to consider are listed below:

Does The Surgery Hurt? How Does Lasik Eye Surgery Work At Manhattan Lasik Center? 

In this procedure, your surgeon will numb your eye before creating a small flap on the side of the cornea. This flap is lifted up allowing the surgeon to apply a laser to the tissue underneath. Your doctor will use the laser to change the curvature of the cornea which will improve your eyesight. The flap is then laid back down and the surgery is complete.

When Will I See Changes?

Most people see a noticeable improvement in the clarity of vision within the first 12 to 18 hours after the procedure. Full effects may be seen in the first three to six months.

How Long Does It Take To Heal?

Vision continuously improves for the first three months after the treatment. Some people may not heal as fast as others. A small percentage of people have complications, but this number is less than one percent of all LASIK patients.

How Long Does Lasik Last? 

LASIK effects can last for decades and for some Manhattan LASIK patients a lifetime. Aging affects the permanence of LASIK procedures as people who develop myopia in middle age can experience small or large changes that can diminish the effects of LASIK. Cataracts can also reduce a patient’s eyesight causing elderly patients and people with significant eye injuries to have problems seeing.

Does The Surgery Hurt?

Most people feel discomfort for the first few hours up to 24 hours after surgery. Manhattan LASIK Center patients need to use eye drops numerous times a day for a few weeks after surgery. Planning to nap for several hours immediately afterward the surgery is advised. Regular activities aside from swimming, sports, and strenuous exercise are allowed after one week including wearing makeup. After a few weeks, patients are no longer restricted and can resume most activities.

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