Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Love imagining what life could be like without visual aids? Wish you could exercise without thinking about where you’ll put your glasses?

If you’ve ever wanted to see without contact lenses or glasses, consider SMILE! SMILE is a laser eye procedure less invasive than LASIK and has incredible results.

After SMILE, you’ll have your best vision and total freedom from contact lenses and glasses. You may think you can see clearly with visual aids, but it’s nothing compared to how you’ll be able to see once you have SMILE.

If you live in Long Island, you can get SMILE at Manhattan LASIK Center from our highly experienced surgeons. Are you thinking about getting SMILE? Keep reading to learn about 7 ways SMILE will change your life in Long Island!

1.    Explore a Sunflower Field with New Eyes

What is it about a sunflower field? Filled with sunflowers and bursting with color, these fields are a gorgeous representation of how much there is to love about living on Long Island.

But relying on glasses can mean smudges and glare standing in the way of this lovely setting. SMILE is a minimally invasive vision correction procedure that will free you from the constraints of glasses and contact lenses.

You’ll be left with crisp, clear vision and sight like you won’t believe. Like other vision correction procedures, SMILE is permanent, so you can look forward to many years of fantastic vision.

With your new sight, the sunflower fields in Long Island will take on a new perspective. You’ll appreciate the beauty here more and have a better eye for taking pictures. You can capture memories that will last a lifetime, just like your new and improved vision!

2.    Get the Best View in the House at a Music Festival

There’s no shortage of music festivals and concerts in the Long Island area. You’ll be able to experience live music like never before after getting SMILE.

It’s not a coincidence most patients end up with 20/20 vision or better! With eyesight this clear, you’ll be able to see all the action on stage no matter where you’re standing.

Good concert and music festival tickets can be pricey. You may think the same is true about SMILE.

But when you take advantage of financing options, SMILE can be incredibly affordable. Manhattan LASIK Center offers CareCredit and Alphaeon financing. Many of these plans are 24 months with no interest to make paying for LASIK affordable.

Choosing financing means most patients pay off their procedure in as little as two years. SMILE can also save you money in the long run.

Because SMILE is a permanent procedure, you no longer have to spend money on new glasses and contact lenses. After SMILE surgery, you’ll save money on visual aids, year after year.

Having SMILE will eventually pay for itself and save you money. Why not go ahead and splurge on tickets to see your favorite artists? There’s no reason to feel guilty since you know you made a wise financial investment in your vision by getting SMILE!

3.    Pretend to be a Tourist for a Day

There are plenty of places in Long Island to pretend to be a tourist, but one of the best places is probably the Fire Island Lighthouse and beach. The Lighthouse is one of the tallest structures on Long Island, so you can see incredible views from the top!

After having SMILE, you’ll be able to see better than you ever could with glasses and contact lenses. SMILE corrects your vision to a point far beyond your original prescription.

You’ll have better depth perception, and the world will look like it’s in high definition. You’ll be able to appreciate fantastic views like the one from the top of the Fire Island Lighthouse.

4.    Enhance Your Senses with Better Sight

There are many things to do in Long Island, and one is to eat! Long Island is known for its incredible pizza, bagels, and lobster rolls, not to mention all the delis that make great sandwiches of all kinds.

You’ll be able to get even more out of your favorite local treats after SMILE. Why? Because when you have better vision, it enhances all your senses, including smell and taste.

Food will look better, so it’ll taste better. Because you know what they say: you eat with your eyes first!

5.    Make Working Out Easier

Working out can be a pain when wearing contact lenses or glasses. But after SMILE, you’ll be able to simplify your exercise routine.

Because SMILE has a brief recovery period, you can return to working out soon after correcting your vision. Since SMILE is also minimally-invasive, patients experience far fewer post-surgical symptoms like dry eye.

So you can stay fit comfortably and efficiently after your SMILE surgery! Even better, you can do it with clearer vision without the hazards of relying on visual aids while working out.

6.    Take a Leap of Faith With Incredibly Clear Vision

Have you ever wanted to try skydiving? There’s no better time to take the plunge than after you have SMILE surgery!

The experience will be much less stressful without worrying about your glasses or contact lenses either flying out of your pocket or getting too dry in your eyes. You can take in the view and all the incredible nuances with your extraordinary new vision!

SMILE can enable you to do more, improving your overall confidence. Thanks to SMILE, you can check some activities off your bucket list here in Long Island.

7.    Spend a Lazy Afternoon Doing Nothing at All

While SMILE can help you do more, it can also help you do absolutely nothing. Without glasses and contact lenses, even just lounging around is easier!

You can watch TV and fall asleep on the couch without worrying about your glasses getting crushed or your contacts making your eyes too dry. You’ll be more comfortable no matter what you do and have outstanding vision to see the world on your TV or in real life!

If you want to improve your life in Long Island, don’t wait. Find out if SMILE is right for you by scheduling your commitment-free consultation today at Manhattan LASIK Center in Long Island, NY!