Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Astigmatism Treatment By Lasik Surgery

Astigmatism is an abnormal curvature of the cornea. This condition is easily treated by Lasik surgery for most people. Those with severe astigmatism might be a better candidate for another Lasik treatment option called PRK. It is best to discuss your candidacy with a certified Lasik specialist like those at Manhattan Lasik Center. Their experts know how to evaluate your eyes and ask detailed questions before offering an educated opinion about what type of procedure is best in your case.

Lasik Surgery Is A Safe Option For People With Astigmatism

Lasik eye surgery is very safe, with thousands of people having the procedure successfully performed each year. Lasik surgery can help you get rid of your eyeglasses and contact lenses for good. Forget about squinting to see the street signs while you are driving somewhere new. Wake up and see your alarm clock instead of fumbling for your glasses first. Lasik gives you the freedom to get rid of blurry vision and see what you have been missing all those years.

Lasik Treatment Is Quick And Painless

Lasik eye surgery is not painful. The surgeon puts numbing drops in your eyes before he or she performs the treatment. It only takes a few minutes for the laser to work. Lasik treatment is a helpful option when you have an active lifestyle going to work, school, or taking care of a family. You can look better, see more clearly, and get more done by having a Lasik treatment provided by an expert like those at Manhattan Lasik Center. They will give you an honest opinion during your consultation and tell you what you can expect from Lasik for astigmatism.

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