Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Although astigmatism is very common and isn’t an extremely serious issue, it can make daily activities more challenging. It impairs vision, breeds headaches, and creates eye discomfort. The condition results from either the lens or the cornea – the front surface of the eye – being slightly irregular or asymmetrical in shape, as opposed to completely round. Almost 30 percent of children and a little more than 30 percent of adults worldwide have astigmatism. LASIK eye surgery in our Edison, NJ location provides a great, comprehensive correction technique for astigmatism. It is a great permanent solution for those who prefer to do without the hassle of glasses or contact lenses.

Mild cases of astigmatism do not require treatment. But if you have a more serious case, you will definitely want help. One of the largest detriments of the condition is blurry night vision, which certainly will not improve your driving capabilities.

How LASIK Works

LASIK surgery features an ultra-precise, ultraviolet laser. This laser treats astigmatism by adjusting the irregular shape of the cornea, which enables light rays to focus more clearly on the retina, and thus corrects vision issues caused by the irregular shape. The team at Manhattan LASIK Center will conduct a visual assessment to determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment procedure.

If you have astigmatism, it’s usually not larger than 3.0 diopters in magnitude and can be fully resolved with one LASIK procedure. Even if you have a more severe case of the condition, you are likely still a candidate for LASIK refractive surgery. In more severe cases, you may need follow-up treatment to fine-tune the correction, but the team at Manhattan LASIK Center will discuss the process with you in detail during your complimentary consultation.

A lot of people wonder if they can sleep during the procedure, as the thought of having eye surgery often causes anxiety. What many don’t realize is that the LASIK treatment only takes about 10 minutes per eye. Your LASIK surgeon in Edison, NJ just needs to use the laser for about a minute on each side to reshape your cornea. Though laser surgery itself sounds pretty frightening, you will not need general anesthesia. LASIK Surgeons have many ways to ease your anxiety during the procedure one of which includes numbing eye drops. Plus, the LASIK technique’s popularity has grown, in part, to the comfortable and painless experience reported by patients.

Additional Reasons to Choose LASIK

There are also other benefits to choosing the LASIK route to correcting astigmatism. Not only is your vision corrected and you heal in about a day after the procedure, but you may not need glasses or contact lenses ever again. Laser eye surgery complications have proven to be rare, as continuous advancements in technology ensure a minimally invasive procedure.

Let us help you decide if LASIK is the right choice for your unique needs. Manhattan LASIK Center is a state-of-the-art laser vision correction center with locations in Manhattan and Roslyn, New York, and Paramus and Edison, New Jersey. For more information on LASIK or to schedule a free virtual consultation with our team, call us at 212-759-9617 today.