Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

Nowadays, most people are highly dependent on technology in many areas of their lives. One of the key components of modern technology that people rely on is a digital screen. You probably stare at some type of screen for several hours every day as part of your job or for a variety of other reasons.


Spending too much time staring at a screen can lead to digital eyestrain. This is because you tend to blink less. Also, the movement of images on the screen forces you to focus and makes your eyes work harder. Furthermore, most people do not typically position the screen at the right angle and distance from their eyes.


This can worsen symptoms of eyestrain and cause other negative effects on one’s vision, especially in kids. Some of the common symptoms of prolonged screen time on the eyes include:

Furthermore, too much screen time can affect the quality of your sleep since blue light from screens can affect your sleep rhythms. This is especially true when you use a digital screen close to your bedtime. Essentially, your brain will assume that the light from your screen is daylight, altering your body’s natural sleep rhythm.

What Is LASIK?

This is one of the most popular and effective eye surgeries aimed at correcting vision in patients with myopia, farsightedness, or even astigmatism. The procedure works by reshaping the cornea to make it possible for light to focus properly on the retina.

But before you undergo this procedure, you need to consult your eye doctor in Manhattan to determine whether it is right for you. Most people with refractive errors tend to be good candidates for the procedure. But assuming you just underwent or are planning to undergo LASIK, what is the downtime?

Screen Time After LASIK

How long should you wait before looking at a screen after LASIK? This revolutionary and minimally-invasive vision correction procedure can significantly improve your eyesight. Depending on the nature or seriousness of your vision problem and the healing process, it can take some time to recover.

During this time, you should try to shield your eyes from any devices that project intense light into your eyes, including screens. As with any other type of medical procedure, the first 24 hours of recovery are the toughest.

FDA Recommendations

According to the FDA, LASIK patients should wait for at least 24 hours before looking at a computer, television, smartphone, or any other type of digital screen. After the procedure, your eyes will be most sensitive during the first day of recovery. Thus, exposing your eyes to artificial light for prolonged periods can affect the results.

You should take a few days from work to give your eyes plenty of time to recover. You may experience some temporary discomfort. However, they should go away within a few days.

Why Eye Doctors Recommend Waiting for at Least 24 Hours

There are many reasons for this recommendation. One of the most important is because prolonged screen time can accelerate dry eyes after undergoing LASIK. This may lead to longer healing times or even the necessity of a secondary LASIK procedure.

To learn more about LASIK, contact Manhattan LASIK Center in Manhattan, New York at (212) 759-9617 today to schedule a Free Virtual Consultation.