Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

If you’ve ever wanted to see without contact lenses or glasses, you may have already thought about having a vision correction procedure. There are several kinds of these procedures to choose from, meaning if you thought it was just LASIK, you are sorely mistaken.

As great as LASIK can be, don’t let it overshadow other options, like SMILE, also known as Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. SMILE is a minimally invasive procedure with an easy recovery that can give you 20/20 vision or better!

The number one reason most people get SMILE and vision correction procedures, in general, is to attain visual freedom. SMILE can enable you to live your life without cumbersome visual aids. But there are other benefits, too!

Keep reading to discover why visual freedom is attainable thanks to SMILE and some of the many things you can look forward to once you’ve had SMILE!

No More Glasses

Do you wear glasses? They may help you see the world around you, but many people don’t love having to depend on them.

However, for people with refractive errors who can’t wear contacts or don’t like wearing them, glasses can feel like the only option. They can be more comfortable than contact lenses but have their fair share of annoyances.

Wearing glasses means the lenses are constantly foggy or getting dirty. People who wear glasses can tell you how often they clean their lenses.

It may only be a minute here or there, but every minute adds up! When your glasses get foggy because the temperature changes, you can only wait for the fog to clear!

Glasses can also easily wind up broken or lost. Good luck fitting your helmet or headgear over your glasses because they don’t easily fit.

There are so many ways glasses get in the way. But after SMILE, you won’t need them anymore, eliminating all these inconveniences! Instead, you can look at the world around you with pristine vision that’s better than you could have ever dreamed of.

No More Contact Lenses

You may prefer contacts over glasses. Contact lenses can be more convenient in some ways as they don’t get in the way, and you don’t have to worry about lenses fogging up or getting dirty the same way.

But a certain amount of maintenance and upkeep is required with wearing contact lenses as you have to put them in and take them out daily. If you’re in a rush and forget to use enough contact solution, you spend the whole day contending with dry, irritated eyes!

Even if you do everything by the book, you can still experience irritation if you wear your contacts too long, meaning it’s necessary to bring glasses as a backup if you’re going for a night out. Contact lenses can also worsen seasonal allergy symptoms as you may have pollen on them without knowing it.

As someone wearing contacts, you’re more likely to need to touch your eyes throughout the day. You can switch to glasses during allergy season, but then you’re stuck with all the annoyances of glasses all spring!

After SMILE, though, you can see without contact lenses or glasses. Say goodbye to changing out contacts because you’ll be able to see everything right as you wake up every morning.

Look Forward to Your Favorite Warm Weather Activities

Now is a great time to get SMILE because you can have incredible vision in time for the summer and all your favorite summer activities! Going out in the heat is easier without worrying about sweat making your glasses slippery or the sunlight drying out your contact lenses.

You can go on walks or hikes to enjoy nature and even go camping without worrying about how you’ll deal with your contact lenses out in the woods! Swimming is also so much easier after SMILE. You don’t have to worry about chlorine or salt water irritating your contact lenses or your glasses getting washed away.

If you want to swim laps, you can also use goggles to see where you’re going underwater! Get out, enjoy the sun, and stay cool this summer after you have SMILE eye surgery.

Save Money for the Things You Love

Like other vision correction procedures, insurance won’t cover SMILE, meaning you must pay out of pocket. But it’s an affordable procedure, especially with the many no-interest payment plans we accept at Manhattan LASIK Center.

SMILE can even save you money in the long run because it’s permanent and will allow you to see without glasses or contact lenses. You’ll save money every year after having the procedure compared to what you would have spent on visual aids.

You can spend more on what you want without feeling guilty after SMILE because you’ll know you’ve made a wise investment. SMILE isn’t just a financial investment; it’s an investment in yourself and your future!

Feel More Like Yourself

With SMILE, you’ll be able to see the world as it really is. SMILE can help you see even better than you could when wearing contacts or glasses, giving you better depth perception and color perception. The whole world will look like it’s in high definition!

You’ll be able to see better than ever, and you won’t have to depend on glasses or contacts anymore. You won’t have to rely on anything other than your own two eyes to see.

Being more independent can boost your confidence, making you feel more comfortable in your skin. Schedule your commitment-free SMILE consultation at Manhattan LASIK Center in Manhattan, NY, to take the first steps towards visual freedom. Isn’t it time to see what’s really out there?