Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

An Implantable Collamer® Lens (ICL™) is a lens that a surgeon implants in the eye during surgery. The surgeon places the artificial lens between the natural eye lens and the iris. Once set, it allows the eye lens to refract or bend light correctly on the retina. It helps produce clearer vision. The ICL corrects myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.  

Implantable Contact Lens

An ICL is an intraocular lens made from plastic and collagen. The lens can help reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. People who cannot get LASIK and other laser surgery procedures can benefit from an Implantable Collamer Lens. 

The doctor implants the lens during the surgical procedure. It is possible to remove the lens—but it requires additional surgery and can result in worse vision. 

When Is ICL Surgery Needed?

Patients who do not qualify for laser surgery or LASIK can benefit from ICL. Those who are nearsighted and have difficulty focusing on distant objects can get the implant. The severity of the refractive error will determine the most suitable treatment option. 

There are different types of ICL surgery: ICL soft lens and intraocular lens. The intraocular lens is for patients with severe myopia who cannot get LASIK. With ICL surgery, the eye’s natural lens remains in place. 

Benefits of Implantable Collamer Lens

There are several benefits of getting an ICL. The lens can help improve vision. It can help correct severe nearsightedness that other surgical treatments cannot correct. The lens is less likely to result in dry eyes, making it ideal for people with dry eye syndrome

The lens is permanent, but you can remove it when you need to. An ICL helps improve night vision. Recovery from the procedure is quick because it does not involve tissue removal. 

Risks Associated With ICL Surgery 

As with all surgical procedures, there are some risks associated with ICL surgery. In some cases, the procedure may result in vision loss or worsening of vision. It can also lead to changes in vision where the patient experiences halos, double vision, or difficulty with night vision. 

In some cases, additional surgery may be necessary if the procedure is unsuccessful the first time. Other risks include pressure behind or in the eyes, detached retina, and infection. 

Results of ICL Procedure

An Implantable Collamer Lens is a good option for patients who experience poor vision. However, note that the results of ICL surgery are not guaranteed. You may not gain 20/20 vision after the procedure. 

The patient’s vision may improve, but it may not be perfect. In some cases, the lens can be too weak or too strong for their needs. It is good to talk to the eye doctor to understand the benefits and risks before you decide. 

ICL surgery is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not good candidates for the procedure. Others who may not qualify are people over 45 years old. Patients with chronic diseases or conditions that affect proper wound healing do not qualify.

For more on Implantable Collamer Lens, visit Manhattan LASIK Center at our offices in Edison, New Jersey, or Westchester, New York. You can call (201) 843-3861 or (914) 416-6800 today to schedule an appointment.