Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

What It Is Like To Undergo Lasik Surgery?

You are not the first person to have questions about Lasik eye surgery! Lasik surgery does not take a lot of surgical time or recovery time. Below, the experts at Manhattan Lasik Center have outlined the appointments process for you.

Lasik Surgery Steps

Initial consultation – This is when you find out if you are a good candidate for Lasik. The Lasik specialist will examine your eyes by checking eye pressure, pupil size, cornea thickness, and other parameters. You will discuss medications, health conditions, pregnancy, sports participation, and employment. You will also go over the procedure, what to expect, and how to care for yourself after Lasik surgery.
Surgical preparation – You will be instructed to refrain from contact lens use for one to four weeks before surgery and you should have a driver for the day of surgery. Your Lasik expert may prescribe you antibiotic eye drops to use during and after surgery. You can eat a light meal before your surgery.
Lasik eye surgery – Your Lasik eye surgery will only take about 10 minutes per eye. The eyes are numbed with drops and a flap is created in the side of the cornea. The flap is moved aside and a laser is used to adjust the curvature of the inner layer of tissue. Finally, the flap is placed back over the eye and the patient rests for a few moments before the eye is checked.
Lasik surgery aftercare – You will go home and nap or sleep for as much as you can in the first 24-hours. You will be given several eye drops to use. You will see your surgeon the following day to make sure healing is going accordingly.
Typical long–term results – Although you can experience clearer vision in less than a day in most cases, you will not achieve full results for a few months. You will be back to most of your regular activities within a week or two of Lasik surgery. You can resume swimming, heavy exercise, and hot tub use after two or three weeks.

Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik healing takes time, but most patients experience clearer vision almost immediately following their procedure. Your trusted Lasik surgeon can help you make an informed decision about your situation and Lasik. Every person has a similar experience, but no one knows exactly what they will feel until they have the treatment done.

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