Posted by: Manhattan LASIK Center

LASIK is without a doubt one of the best-known forms of laser eye surgery, with countless patients around the world choosing this permanent form of vision correction every year. If you have a refractive vision error such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism and your prescription is stable, you might be a candidate for LASIK and will need to have a consultation to find out if you meet the criteria. If so, you’ll be able to undergo this revolutionary procedure that permanently reshapes the cornea so that you will be able to see clearly without being reliant on prescription lenses.

Many patients feel anxious about the prospect of laser vision correction, and in particular, what they can expect to happen after their procedure. Will you be in pain? How quickly will you be able to see the results? When can you get behind the wheel again? To help put your mind at ease, here’s what you need to know about what to expect during LASIK recovery.

The First Day After Your LASIK Surgery

The first 24 hours after any sort of surgical procedure are the most crucial, and LASIK is no exception. This will be when the initial healing starts to take place and it’s essential that you follow the instructions provided by your LASIK provider in Manhattan, NY as this will minimize your risk of developing complications and ensure that your recovery is as straightforward as possible.

  • You will be advised to go home and have a nap right away. This will give your eyes an opportunity to rest properly. The more they can relax and rest, the more quickly you’ll heal.
  • You will be asked to rest your eyes as much as possible. Refrain from looking at screens or reading as this can strain your eyes.
  • You’ll need to schedule an appointment with your LASIK surgeon in Manhattan, NY the day after your procedure. This is so that they can check on the progress of your healing and assess your vision. You may even be given the all-clear to start driving yourself. If not, you will need to wait until you reach the legal standard of vision needed to drive again before you get behind the wheel.

The Next Few Days Following Your LASIK Surgery

  • Eye shields will be provided and should be worn as long as recommended by your surgeon. These should be worn while you sleep to prevent you from inadvertently touching your eyes.
  • You’ll need to avoid washing your hair and getting water in your eyes for at least the first 48 hours.
  • It’s normal to experience some discomfort. Itching, burning, irritation, and soreness are all common and should pass after a few days. Over-the-counter pain medication should be sufficient to relieve any discomfort.
  • You’ll need to wear sunglasses when you go outside, even if it is cloudy. Your eyes will be more susceptible to UV damage so make sure you have sunglasses to wear home the day of your procedure, and for any other times that you go outside.
  • Your vision will be blurred for the first few days. This isn’t anything to worry about. By the third day, it should start to become progressively clearer. You may also experience some sensitivity to light, puffy eyelids, and slight visual disturbances.

Your vision will continue to improve in the days and first week or so following your LASIK procedure in Manhattan NY. During this time, you’ll still need to take special care not to irritate your eyes as they will still be healing. You’ll be given specific information to help you to do this, such as protecting your eyes from the sun, cosmetics, and anything potentially containing bacteria such as swimming pools, lake water, etc. You may also be given eye drops to use to help with the healing process and it’s important that you take these for as long as directed by your LASIK provider.

Need more information about what to expect from your LASIK recovery? Don’t hesitate to contact our experienced LASIK laser vision correction team at Manhattan LASIK Center by calling 212-759-9617 and schedule a FREE Virtual Consultation.